Love, Shopkeep

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Nicest Outfit- Check Umbrella and Jacket (In case the rain continues)- Check Cake I learned how to bake yesterday- Check My Beautiful Face- Always a Check I’ve been sitting for a few minutes waiting for her to arrive. The waiter asked if I needed anything.

 - Uhh, just an orange soder

I stare at the empty plate in front of me.

 - Actually make that two orange soders, please.

Took the knife and fork and just started tapping them on the table like a drum kit. The waiter came back with the soder, and asked if I’d like to order anything. -Can I get an order of pasta… to share? The waiter smiled and asked if I’d like anything else -An order of breadsticks? Maybe 2? Yeah, let's go with 2. The food came out, I chowed down on the breadsticks and stared at the pasta. The rain just kept coming… Maybe she doesn’t have a ride? Wait, she has a license. Maybe someone borrowed her car? But who would at this time? Maybe she got the wrong address? It’s almost 8, and the pasta’s cold… The place closed down 2 hours ago. I left the pasta, threw on my jacket and grabbed my Umbrella to protect the cake. I don’t even really like cake. What do I even do with it now? Do I go visit her? Do I call her? Should I just… leave it be? My head hurts…

I’ve lost my appetite…