Bone's Book Club

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-So Keep, I've been meaning to ask…

-I appreciate the tenacity man, but I really don't swing that way.

-Gee, way to kick a guy while he's down. No but really though, have you that skeleton dude? He's been trying to reach the lower floors for a good while now.

-You’re worried about that thing? I’m starting to think that Shed girl was right about you.

-Hey! She screwed me over, you know!

-Haha yeah.

-And I never said I was worried! That “thing” can barely take two steps without combusting.

-Never seen one of those before?


Disc asks for another creme brûlée.

-Sure, let me get that for you.

-Hey! How come she gets stuff for free while I have to pay full price?

-It's simple really. I just don't like you.

-You're really breaking my heart here.

Disc stuffs her face with the food.


-Gee, you gave me a heart attack, Toaster!

-That thing talks?

-Only when prompted: Toaster, play "smooth monday elevator jazz".


-Says who?

The robot starts playing elevator music through a speaker lodged in its ears.




Disc nods in agreement, then quickly gulps down another bite.

-Getting back on topic, what is that thing?

-The toaster? Seems pretty self explanatory.

-No the skeleto- that is not a toaster. Toasters don’t talk.

-It's a smart toaster!


-See? Smart toaster.

-Sure. Whatever. I want to know what’s up with that skeleton.

-...Where to start? I’m guessing you haven’t seen the big skeleton dude either.


-Yeah he’s the size of 3 Discs stacked on top of each other. He looks like a comic book reaper. Real tall guy.

-What's he like, spooky? Maybe even scary?


The room goes silent

-Hey? Shopkeep to earth, helloooo?

-...Yeah yeah, sorry I was thinking about something else.

-So what's the deal then? What is that thing?

-It's a little scary?


-This place is like its own… ecosystem? A big living breathing mess. And we're not part of that. So its immune system wants to get rid of us.

Shopkeep takes a sip from a cup of coffee.

-That's what "that" is. That's what "it" will become.

-Bummer dude.

-Yeah, you tell me bud.