Husky's Journal 1-4

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Husky's Journal #1

Day 1: I remember it… it was like a sudden rush. One moment I was at home staring out into the dark night, wishing for something I can’t really put my finger on, when I woke up in a bed of beautiful flowers. The place was almost like a train station with trains screeching by in an almost relaxing chorus. I remember a feeling of just… overwhelming joy! The air was brisk and cold, but I was fortunate to have my big fluffy jacket. I bought it a few weeks ago with the money I had saved up from work! Thinking about it now… I don’t think I have to worry about work here… Don’t have to see Gunter and his so-called cooks… how mean they are. Always giving me dirty looks, calling me a slummy city girl. I don’t know what being born in the city has to do with anything about me. I’m a good person! I think… Most people tend to ignore me so I’m not sure if I’m a good person to them. But I am to me! This first day I just enjoy the pure bliss of finally having some me time, finding comfort in a nice pile of flowers. Tomorrow I wanna explore this place some more, it seems very interesting.

Day 2: I remember when I woke up, I saw a little buddy in front of me. I didn’t know if he was a little buddy or not, but he certainly looked like one! He was a little guy with a leaf on his head. He was absolutely adorable and I just couldn’t resist picking him up and squeezing him. He seemed to really enjoy it, cause when I put him down, he jumped right back into my arms. I made a little buddy friend! I’m going to call him Leaf because of the little leaf on his head. He was quite small I will say, he easily fit in the hood of my jacket and I carried him around with me. I walked for a while before I found a full bloom of flowers and more little buddies! There were so many of them! I saw some other creatures, like a Blueberry… I don’t trust him. He sort of just rolled at me… when I tried to get close to him, he started hissing and growing bigger. I backed away as fast as I could and he EXPLODED! WHAT THE HELL?! This place went from pretty to scary really quickly… especially with the pumpkins and melons… the pumpkins would just jump at you. Trust me I tried to stop him but it was like trying to catch a bowling ball being hurled at you… it hurts… a lot. The melons on the other hand would just shoot seeds at you. It wasn’t painful, but really bothersome. They would just keep shooting seeds and seeds and seeds and oh my god they have an endless amount. Doesn’t help that they move around together on their stupid stubby legs. The Leafs’ legs are stubby but at least they aren’t stupid. He uses them to jump around all cute and such, I love him so much. I moved away from what I dubbed “The Garden” which is where the exploding blueberries and bowling ball pumpkins roam around, and decided to set up camp for the night on another bed of flowers. I cuddled leaf for a while and then decided to sleep.

Husky's Journal #2

Day 3: I think I found a way deeper down. I’m not entirely sure though. It was more or less a hole in the ground with a bright light that emitted a chilling breeze. It was oddly… enticing, like it was calling me to go down there. Maybe to find what I was looking for. Was I searching for something? Probably not, just here to enjoy the flowers and to have fun with my little buddy Leaf. Well I WAS enjoying the flowers, but someone wasn’t very happy with me. A very beautiful woman, who moved with such elegance and life that all the flowers around her seemed to bloom instantaneously. I was enthralled at first, until I was immediately put in danger. She tossed a little gem at me, or I thought it was cause It was very shiny, shiny with DEATH! Cause it EXPLODED! It weirdly didn’t hurt. It was more like a sudden adrenaline rush washing over me. Nevertheless she was upset about something. I suppose she doesn’t like people being here or near the light. She was rather scary so I ran away from her. She watched me run away before going back to her beautiful flower room and continuing on with… whatever she was doing, what does she even do? Never mind that's a thought for another time BUT, I used my genius mind to get past her… well, not ENTIRELY genius but it was a smart plan! So, I decided to throw a little buddy at her. Not leaf though. Leaf stays with me. No, one of those little BLUE buddies, you know. That one. He wasn’t very happy when I picked him up and he tried to explode, but I managed to toss the little buddy into the ladies flower room which caught her off guard. She panicked for a second when he went KABOOM! With that moment of panic, I managed to bolt past her and jump into the hole. I fell for a while, until I ended up here. I’m not sure how long I’ve been here… but I’ll write more after I explore for a bit.

Day 4? 5?... Day 4-5 yes.: Not too exciting, this place was a lot more… boring? Sure there were creatures down here, but most were jellyfish or piles of trash. The only interesting creature I saw was: a fish woman! I think there's another word for them, but I don’t remember. On that thought, my head has been feeling a little light after the fall. I think I accidentally hit my head when I landed… Maybe I’ll just rest up a bit later. But anyway, back on topic.. A FISH WOMAN! She sang a very beautiful song, a song so beautiful my chest started to hurt. Like… a lot. WAY too much so I ran away from the fish lady. She let out a little sad song as I walked away. I felt bad, but she was really bothering me… well I don’t know if it was her or if something was happening with me. Nevertheless I carry on, I don’t really wanna stay here any longer. Leaf doesn’t seem to like it here. He’s been shaking a lot. I wish I had a blanket or something… maybe I’ll leave my jacket with him…

Day 6 I think? Maybe 7: I felt pretty fine without the jacket. Leaf seemed better, and I saw an interesting sight… Leaf was surrounded by little seeds. SEEDS! It was extraordinary… I don’t know how he did it. (Unless he’s a she, I’m sorry if you’re a little girly Leaf.) I really wanted to plant these lil leaf seeds, but this place… It sucks. There weren’t really any spots to plant them, so I sort of just left them in the ground and hoped the water in… what do I call it? I’ll call it a sewer. I hope the sewer water would help them grow. Maybe they’ll make little leaf babies! That’d be nice. Other than that not much really happened. I just kept walking after planting the seeds, but knowing this place… I doubt this will work. Maybe the next floor will be more… leaf friendly.

Husky's Journal #3

There are too many days to count so I’m just gonna list a word.

Day mean >:(: Some bullies stole my jacket. They were making a laughing stock of me and threw my jacket into a tank. They just pointed and laughed at me, and gave me very rude gestures. Not anything suggestive, just mean. Well I don’t know, it could’ve been. They were very odd. I tried to get my jacket back by jumping on the tank but one of the ladies quickly threatened me with a gun. I don’t know where it came from, or why she had a gun. And a tank… why am I not questioning the tank? Why is there a tank in a sewer? I don’t know, this place is hurting my brain. So I took my losses and kept walking on. I eventually came across that familiar glow leading down even deeper than I imagined. So I took another leap and now I’m somewhere… even colder.

Day LEAF BABIES!: I’ve sort of forgotten about writing… it’s hard to write when you’re exploring. Especially in a beautiful manor like this. I’m sure this is a manor… beautiful carpet… furniture, a fireplace! It was really nice here… so I decided to hunker down, find a source of water and plant more seeds that I had left over. Found a little pot with a dead flower. So I tore it out and placed the Leaf seed in it, and looked for some water. I couldn’t really find any… so I just started spitting in the pot. I’m not sure if that helped but a few days later… a plant was growing, and it was MASSIVE! Like, Garden level massive. There were a lot of pretty flowers that I got to briefly see before they died, but the best part… I saw little Leafs! Little buddies! Dozens of them all sprouting to life. They were so small and so cute! Leaf seemed very happy with them. I let them enjoy themselves as I continued down the hall past more pots where I planted seeds. Lots and lots of Leaf babies! It was very nice. Very nice… too nice. Too quiet. I took a little spot next to one of the plants and scooped up some of the little Leaf babies. I love them so much!!! They’re adorable!!!

Day… Sorry.: I don’t really know where I am right now… I got scared away. I didn’t mean to go down farther. I was just so afraid. Some of the little Leaf babies… they were on fire! The potted plant grew too big. The fireplace… it was burning the babies. They were running around, jumping around, and one whizzed past my hair and lit it on fire. The burning Leafs also attracted someone new. She called herself “Lady Stradivarius. She just… I don’t even know. She was angry. She wanted to hurt me. I didn’t mean to… I didn’t want the little leafs to get hurt, and I didn’t mean for them to cause so much trouble… I’m sorry. I just. I gotta keep going. I’m sorry.

Day Barren.: I think I made it to another floor. It’s very cold here… and leaf is gone. I have no form of warmth. It’s cold… so cold. I just gotta persist forward. I’ll be back. I know I will. I’ll find you leaf… I’ll find you little buddy. Just gotta keep going. You’re down here somewhere. Just like the rest of them. Keep walking, enjoy my time with my buddy, continue on.

Husky's Journal #4

I remember waking up, it was very desolate. Very cold. I found a journal plopped down in front of me. I don’t know where it came from, it seems to be someone else’s. Not sure why they would leave such a clean journal lying around. If I was them I wouldn’t leave this lying around. Whoever they may be, they don’t seem too bright. No smart person leaves good paper like this lying around. For now… I’m gonna call this stranger Husky. Why? She put the word Husky on the front, with a little picture of something. Maybe I can find them… but I doubt it. I’ll figure my way around eventually.

Why is there a leaf in my pocket?