Unfinished Yuri Novel

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Ash stepped confidently onto the battlefield. ‘Who am I shooting today?’ she looked around. Bullets, screaming, explosions, she felt right at home. “What are you doing just standing there, idiot? We have to go!” Her ally called out. “Geez, sorry.” Ash hopped into her tank and sped towards their targets.

“Heck yeah! I got three of them!” she exclaimed. “Nice going!” Cat said. “When we get out of this mess we oughta go out and celebrate,” said Ash. “Oh definitely.” she replied. “Although, the tank is mighty done up, I think we gotta get out.”

“Let’s split up so we can cover more ground.” Cat suggested. “Got it.” Ash moved to the right and headed into the brush, trying to find an ideal place to target. ‘Over there looks good.’ She headed towards an opening in the distance but it was farther than she expected. “How long is this gonna take!” she exclaimed. ‘Oh no, did I say that out loud? Ehh, it’ll probably be fine.’

As she continued running, she caught a glimpse of a swift figure. She immediately began to scan the area and prepared to shoot on site but after a decent search she couldn’t spot anything and continued on. Suddenly, Ash saw 3 dead soldiers laying on the ground. Before she could react, she felt a gun against her head. “If you’re wise, you won’t move a muscle. You won’t speak.” a woman said coldly. “You took my men from me, I take your men from you… and something extra.” she motioned to you. “Though, I don’t feel greedy today. My men are counting on me, but…” she trailed off. Ash remained silent. It wasn’t her first time in a situation like this but it was the first time she didn’t feel angry, fired up. With her rage peeled away she just felt scared and confused.

“Stand up.” the woman ordered. Ash stood. “If I capture you they will kill you. If I don’t…” she paused. “Speak.” she commanded. “Hello.” Ash said. “If I lower the gun, will you flee?” the woman glared. “No.” Ash replied. “Will you shoot?” she asked. “No.” she replied again. The woman lowered the gun. “Good.” she said. ‘Shoot! Defend! Survive’ Ash’s brain yelled but instead she just looked into the woman’s eyes. She felt strange. “Tomorrow. Same place.” the woman commanded and walked away as if nothing had happened.

Ash quickly got back into fight mode and continued on. She eventually made it out and found a place to shoot. Enemy soldiers were falling left and right, her aim was better than ever. “Hell yeah!” she exclaimed. “If only Cat was here. We’d have killed these guys in double time.” ‘Oh yeah, Cat! I should get going.’ Ash ran as fast as possible back through the same path. “Yo Cat!” she called. “Ash? Took you long enough! We gotta get some grub in us and rest. Come on” she motioned.

It was now night. Ash was trying to sleep but her mind wouldn’t shut up. She was used to resting through stress but apparently that day’s “encounter” was enough to override that. Eventually, she drifted off but it wasn’t long before she had to wake up the next day.

‘I gotta go soon, right?’ Ash thought and went to find Cat. “Hey Ash, how'd you sleep?” she asked. “Alright but uhh I have something to ask. I was really stupid and I think I left something important in the forest yesterday. I need to retrieve it. Please cover for me so I don’t get chewed out!” she begged. “Seriously?” Cat sighed “Alright.” “Thanks! I owe you one.” Ash said and headed towards the forest.

“Hello, ehh, what is your name?” the woman asked. “Hey… it’s Ash and yours? she asked. “Anya. I’m surprised, Ash, you give me another chance to kill you.” she remarked. “I don’t know.” Ash shrugged. “I saw you kill them yesterday, 10 of my men… heh I should be killing your men but, no, I meet up with you instead.” she sighed. “Anya, you make me feel weird, like in a good way.” Ash blurted out. “...I understand. I feel same… with you.” she replied.

“Do you… have a life outside of this?” Anya asked. “Huh? Well shooting stuff is kinda my thing but, sure, I guess, I have some family back home.” she shrugged. All of a sudden, the woman grabbed her hand. “When war is over. We survive. We see each other again.” she states. “I want to see you again sooner though.” Ash frowns.

The woman thinks for a bit and sighs. “Tomorrow. Same place.”