What Lies Beyond our View

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Whether we chose to venture down this road of uncertainty on our own, or were forced down this path unwillingly, reality itself has been unhinged from the very foundation it was built upon. At some point in time during these past decades, an unknown force, or maybe even being, created this realm and began taking people into its sick, twisted purgatory. What was thought to be a simple, alternate world ended up much darker the longer and longer I had spent researching within it. Not only are there dangers of monsters and strange, distorted people, but there is something much darker lurking within the shadows of this place.

Through these past decades of research, there had always been one factor I overlooked that made itself rarely present. I was only made aware of its existence through a final test with Moko v5 after I lost connection with Moko v3. This entity made itself present very nantualantly and followed Moko v5, seemingly covering up every former area in darkness, somewhat hiding it away, almost like it's trying to cover up this place. That's when I began searching deeper… I looked back through any drive, download, document, just anything from the previous models that would clue me in on what exactly this thing was doing. Then I saw it, a pattern. Every floor would be “erased” off the scanners of the Moko drones, yet always being reestablished once a new one enters. Almost like… a clean up. Reworking, refitting, resetting everything to its base. But that doesn’t make sense… it has to be something else. Then I figured it out when I looked back at previous research.

Sometime during my research, according to my notes this was near the beginning of my research, I had visited a family that was going through the same grief I was, where their only child had their head “popped”. I promised them that I’d save their son along with my daughter and began working afterwards. Who he was, I do not remember. But when I returned to that family upon discovering more, there was no sign of any “boy” in the house. We talked for a while, and I asked them if there was anyone else in this home, more specifically a boy, and they responded “no, it’s just been the 2 of us. We never had any kids.” I referred back to my notes once more, and kept seeing the reminder “Find boy” on every page, except the first day I visited them. There was a blank line, almost as if I had erased it, though I never erased any note since every and any bit of information or note serves a purpose.

Whatever this thing is… it feels best to leave it be. Any further investigations may lead me to a reality I do not wish to burden myself with. Yet I still remember her… so I can still hope.