Pink Slip Collection

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Notice of Termination

Employee name: “Snail

Effective Date: Right Now

Stupid. Very stupid. Pretty sure they didn’t even read my god damn flier. MONEY BACK IS NOT GUARANTEED. I NEED THAT MONEY! STUPID DUMB IDIOT BABY.

Notice of Termination

Employee name: “Snail

Effective Date: March, Something, in a year

Sloppy effort, sloppy look, sloppy everything. She just can’t get the job done effectively. Not to mention she smells bad and gives a bad look for the business. FIRED!

Notice of Termination

Employee name: “Snail

Effective Date: April 15th

Found sleeping constantly on the job, has the pace of a snail. I have received 27 customer complaints within the last week due to her either missing houses, arriving hours late, or just messing up entirely. Remove yourself immediately from the position.

Notice of Termination

Employee name: “Snail

Effective date: August 27th

Tampering with the papers. Odor.

You are fired.

Notice of Termination

Employee name: “Snail

Effective Date: September 28th

Has not come into work for a few weeks. Calls have been coming in regarding their missing papers. This position does not suit you, you are fired.