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"Anxiety-fueled nutjob" (By Shed)

STUPID DUMB IDIOT BABY (by former employer)
Affiliation Shed Industries
Gimmicks Momentum Mechanic
Health 6
Base Damage Multiplier 1.25
Max Speed 5.5
Acceleration 0.8
Starting Weapons Shotgun
Gold Multiplier 1.2

Snail is unlocked by completing the game in under 12 minutes. An anxiety-ridden delivery girl who needs to escape before her next job. She has the highest starting attack, speed, and a unique momentum mechanic, but she needs to complete each floor in under a certain amount of time, favoring fast gameplay. She starts with the shotgun and the Meathook.

Momentum Mechanic

The Momentum Mechanic is Snail's gimmick. It works as the fast you go, the more damage you can cause, going from a mere 31 to a 125 without the need of damage boosts. However, you can only reach half of the total speed by running, to reach full speed you will most likely need to use the meat hook, rocket, the recoil from other guns, and even Dealer's speed deal. Accumulate speed, do more damage.

For a more technical explanation of the game code:

The momentum mechanic it's a melee attack impacted by a variable in the game called snailMultiplier. It depends purely on the player’s x-velocity. The multiplier is capped at 0.5 and at 2.0, and it can hit intermediate values in between these values. At snails maximum speed, she can hit a multiplier of aproximatelly 1.0, but with weapons that have more recoil, she can increase her speed significantly. After the bash, it deals knockback proportional to the speed (independent of the maximum caps) and gives snail I-frames.

Here is a graph with all possible Snail bash damage (Blue Area) compared to other characters Melee Damage:

Melee Graph.png


Snail is an anxiety-ridden delivery girl who needs to escape the Rabbit Hole for her next job. She's a woman with tendencies to mess up her job fairly easy, as described in Pink Slip Collection, being fired for: not reaching customers in time, sleeping on the job and even tampering with papers. She is also described as having the pace of a snail and smelling bad.

Snail makes her first appearance in Pink Slip Collection, where she is shown to have multiple notices of termination, with dates included, from all her previous Bosses. Alongside multiple Customer Complaints, her chances of getting a place to work at are very slim considering her reputation of sucking at everything her jobs needs her to do.

However, in Resignation Letter, Snail gets hired by Shed to work with her. She gets told that she starts on Wednesday, however, when Snail asks where, Shed is already gone. This is when her head pops and how she enters the Rabbit Hole. Reaching the end of the Rabbit Hole shows later how it ended up with her getting fired.


Icon Name Description Guide
Same day delivery.png Same Day Delivery Beat the game as Snail
Wanna see me do it again .png Wanna See Me Do it Again? Beat the game as Snail under 06:29:21 Achieve what we in the business call a "God Run"
Thank you for playing.png Thank You For Playing Beat the game as every Character


  • Snail's portrait is a reference to Kobeni's famous V pose in Chainsaw Man;
  • Snail was in another game made by Shortcake_Cafe that was later scrapped.
  • The note in Pink Slip Collection of 'Tampering with the papers. Odor.' is likely a reference to Five Nights at Freddy's, where the player is fired for 'Tampering with the animatronics' and 'Odor' after completing the custom night.
