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I can fix her.
Aliases "Baddie, Beautiful, Darling, Sweetheart" (All by Shopkeep)
Gimmicks None
Health 6
Base Damage Multiplier 1.00
Max Speed 4.0
Acceleration 0.6
Starting Weapons AK47
Gold Multiplier 1.0

Disc is the first available character and the primary protagonist of Rabbit Hole. A quiet, soft-spoken girl searching for her lost heart. Disc is intended to be suitable for beginners, so she has no major game-changing mechanics and balanced stats. She starts with the AK47 and the Pistol.


Disc is *supposedly* the latest character to enter the Rabbit Hole by the start of the game, she entered the Rabbit Hole from her head popping which is implied to have been caused by her severe depression at the time, this is shown from her bad social skills and permanent marks mentioned in Her Words. As she leaves the Rabbit Hole however she learns that she'll just have to move on with her life and get stronger from each passing day.


Icon Name Description Guide
Record cut.png Record Cut Beat the game as Disc
Maybe we're the same.png Maybe We're The Same Beat the game as Disc under 07:30:20 Achieve what we in the business call a "God Run"
Thank you for playing.png Thank You For Playing Beat the game as every Character


  • Disc is part of all of the Boss Tracks in name except one, examples come in such as Discrepant, Discology and so on.
  • Disc isn't her real name, it's a name given by Shopkeep and therefore her real name is unknown at the moment.
