Lady Stradivarius

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Lady Stradivarius
U.N.Owen Was Her?
Floor The Ballrooms
Theme Discordant
HP 3350
Worth 3
Drop Rate 75%

Lady Stradivarius is the boss of Floor 3. An elegant, flying violinist who unleashes a hell-storm of exploding swords, fireballs, and cross-bombs.


Lady Stradivarius first appearence in the lore books is described by Husky in her third journal. Described simply as angry and dangerous, there's little further backstory provided about the character.

Boss Fight

The fight against Lady Stradivarius features a new attack dynamic, teleportation. She teleports to seemingly random places near the player and attacks with her violin. However, Lady Stradivarius, like the other bosses, follows a looping attack pattern:

  • Idle
  • Teleport (X)
  • Sweep
  • Teleport
  • Shoot
  • X Bomb
  • Idle
  • Teleport
  • Shoot
  • Teleport (X)
  • Shoot
  • Teleport
  • Shoot
  • Idle
  • Teleport (X)
  • Teleport (X)
  • Teleport (X)
  • Shoot
  • Teleport
  • X Bomb
Attack Name Description Guide
Stradivarius Move.png
Sweep Lady Stradivarius drops a sword which explodes after ~2 seconds, then travels fullscreen from one side to the other while shooting projectiles in a spiral. Stay in the left corner, and then roll out once she's finished.
Stradivarius Shoot.gif
Shoot Lady Stradivarius teleports, and then shoots 3 slow projectiles:

One directly at you and 2 more ~30 degrees out from the first.

Try to roll or move to the opposite side of her once she teleports, as she locks onto the player's position a bit before shooting.
Stradivarius Bomb.gif
X Bomb After a teleport, Lady Stradivarius waits half a second, drops to the floor, and then sets a bomb above her head. The bomb explodes in an X pattern. Good opportunity to deal damage, try to stay directly overlapping her to avoid the bomb explosion.
Stradivarius Teleport.gif
Teleport Lady Stradivarius drops a sword, and then teleports to a random location near the player.

(X) denotes no sword being dropped.

Don't be too close to her when she teleports, and then stay clear of the sword.
Stradivarius Idle.gif
Idle Lady Stradivarius prepares for her next attack. A relatively short period of rest, be careful of the upcoming teleport if you get close.


Icon Name Description Guide
GG EZ.png GG EZ Disrespect a Boss Teabag a boss by repeatedly pressing crouch.
Bang..png Bang. Eat a cake for the first time Defeat a boss without taking damage
Face the music.png Face the Music Defeat Stradivarius without taking damage
Swing the bat.png Swing the Bat Defeat Stradivarius with only melee attacks