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Weird lookin' dolphin
HP 75
Worth 3
Drop Rate 50%

Mermis are the mermaid enemies found on Floor 2.

Behavior and Tactics

Mermis stay submerged under the water for a short duration of time. Their location can be tracked by a shadow under the water. Before they emerge, their shadow flashes and they jump out, shooting a spread of 3 bullets in your direction.

Dodging the bullets are as simple as strafing in-between them or rolling through them. Right after they emerge, you can melee them for a large amount of damage.

While playing as Shed, she can one-shot Mermis by performing her aerial melee.


  • Their song is said to be beautiful, but causing chest-pains, hence dealing damage.
  • The government wants you to believe that mermaids are not real.