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Theme A Penny For Your Thoughts

Beggar is the NPC that eats your guns in exchange for anywhere between 5 to 9 coins. He is French-Canadian, implied to be from Quebec.
Feeding the Robot Head to him gives you the Victory Protocol book.


The Beggar is a mysterious figure with deep knowledge about the Rabbit Hole. He is implied to have stayed here for a long time.


Beggar's Lines ENG
English Translated Lines I want to go home.
Life has lost its value.
The abyss has no bottom.
I was able to see.
I was not capable of dying.
Is there an exit?
Damn, kill me.
The abyss has changed me.
Do not descend into the abyss.
Poor bastard.
One hell of a son of a bitch, that sister.
Oh shit.
Tie your hat.
How long have I been here?...
I'm going to take a little nap.
I'll give up if I'm you.
Hasti calisse de

I don't understand anything you say.
It's just snow down there.
How did I get out? It's a secret.

Beggar's Lines FR
French Translated Lines j'veux retourner chez moi.
la vie a perdu sa valeur.
l'abime n'a pas de fond.
j'su pu capable de voir.
j'su pu capable de mourir.
ya tu une sortie?
calisse, tue moi.
l'abime m'a changé.
ne descend pas dans l'abime.

pauvre con.
une sacré fils de pute, cette soeur.
eh merde.
attache ta tuque.
ca fait combien de temps qu'je suis icite?...
j'vais prendre un p'ti somme.
j'abandonnerai si j'té toié.
hasti calisse de tabarnak.
j'comprend rien de c'que tu dis.
c'est juste d'la neige la bas.
comment j'suis sorti? s't'un secret.

The English translation was translated by Google Translate, feel free to correct any translation errors.



  • Beggar's in-game lines are written in intergalactic standard alphabet - famous for being used in Minecraft, where it is referred to as the “Alphabet of Enchantment”. The Standard Galactic Alphabet is a writing system used throughout the Keen series. It is a simple substitution cypher, where each letter in the Latin alphabet has been substituted with a different symbol;
  • “Hasti calisse de tabarnak” is a vulgar Québécois French phrase, often in a humorous or ironic way. The phrase is a combination of several words, including “hasti” (a colloquialism for “hate” or “hurry”), “calisse” (a profane word of the Christian religion word "Chalice"), and “tabarnak” (French slang or swear, originated from the word "tabernacle"). In Quebec, it's a wild way of saying something similar to "fucking shit". However, the exact translation is difficult to convey, as the phrase is often used in a more creative and expressive way.