Resignation Letter

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She always messes things up after all. Snail lets out a loud audible sigh.

"...this blows major nuts"

"Hey, hey, hey! How's my favorite anxiety-fueled nutjob!"

Snail quickly turns around, behind her stands a woman with short red hair wearing a nice suit and a snazzy new pair of sunnies.

"A-AH uhhHeY uh h-i"

"Haha, calm it down a notch, will ya? I'm not gonna bite t'cha!"

Snail hardly believes that.

"So what are you reading there? Divorce papers? Did not see you as the type to get married in your 20s but hey, what do I know."

"...I got f-fired again."

"Yeah, well you do suck at everything. A real nuisance. Worst employee I ever hired, honest to god."

Tears start to run down the cheeks of the ex-mailwoman.

"I'm a total failure..."

"Huh uh."

"A complete idiot..."


"I'll never amount to anyth-"

The girl in the suit puts her hand on Snail's shoulder.

"Look Snail, I got places to be. I came here to offer you this new cool and epic job. Take it or leave it, but I gotta hear an answer from you in the next minute."

She stops crying.

"Y-you'd hire me? You'd really do that?"

"Are you taking it or not?"

"O-of course! I won't let you down boss!"

"Sweet. You start on Wednesday, don't be late."

"U-uh where?"

However, it was already too late. Her new boss had already left.