The contract

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Dear Mrs. SHED,

I come to you today on behalf of the MOKO Initiative to ask you for assistance. As of now, the MOKO initiative is falling behind, and MOKO v5.0 is taking a lot longer to produce than expected. To avoid losing any time in the search for my daughter Livia, I come to you with an offer due to your self-proclaimed “Expertise” within this “mind-realm”.

If you manage to find my daughter and bring her back, I will award you a small sum of $1,000,000 US.

If you manage to find any sign of my daughter, I will award you $100,000 US to $500,000 US depending on the major significance of the item in regards to the search.

(This includes any signs such as: writings, clothing articles, hair, etc. )

Signing below, you agree to these circumstances: 1. Any forged or faked evidence will not be accepted. Trying to present me with fake evidence will cost you $100,000 U.S in accommodations, since you will be halting the MOKO program over false evidence.

2. Any harm done to you within the Mind Realm is on you. The MOKO initiative, especially myself, does not take any responsibility for injury or death that may occur. That is all your responsibility and your responsibility alone.

3. If you do not complete this job by the time MOKO v5.0 is finished, then you will no longer be eligible to receive any cash accommodations.

4. Any effort to go against myself or the MOKO initiative will result in tremendous repercussions.

5. As long as you remain under the contract and contract guidelines, the MOKO initiative will provide you with any tool necessary to complete your expedition. (But do note, the price of these items will be taken away from any payment you claim)

Signing below states that you will follow the guidelines word by word and that you will accomplish the task given to you. If you have read everything through and you understand the terms and conditions, then sign your name on the line below.

Sign your name here: shed Date: today duh