The Core

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The Core
Aliases Biblically Accurate Bo
HP 400
Worth 2
Drop Rate 50%

The Core is an bo related enemy found in Floor 4 buries underground and spawns picobos.

Behavior and Tactics

Cores remain buried underneath the ground for a certain amount of time. After which they emerge and spawn 5 picobos, and they submerge themselves again.

When cores are submerged, they have no contact damage, so feel free to pass over them. In most other instances, deal as much damage as you can while they are emerged before dispatching the picobos that come out, then attack them again.

Cores have a 1/100 chance to drop Husky's Journal #4.


  • Most people who talk about "biblically accurate angels" have never actually read a bible before.
  • Due to a glitch in enemy generation, when two cores try to spawn picobos at the same time, only the right-most one will spawn picobos.